
Final Post

Dearest Children, Grandchildren, Family and Friends, It is with sadness....and great joy.....that I write this final post of my mission. Sadness that it is over and joy that I have returned to my beloved family and friends and the next phase of my life. We left Zion's Camp, Palmyra and our mission behind on October 30th at 6:30 in the morning. The night before, about 3 in the morning, I woke up feeling very worried about whether or not we should leave because of the high wind and rain. I started praying about it and then said to myself. "How do I know if my answer is from the Lord or just mine." Then, the words from Sister Lee's talk the day before in Sacrament meeting came clearly to my mind. She quoted Elder Bednar and I can't remember word for word but this is what came to my mind. "Continue in the path you have chosen and the Spirit will tell you when you need to change course." That was my answer!! I went peacefully back t

Home or forward?

Dear friends and family We had a very eventful trip home. I'm sure you would not rather have a long blog detailing everything we did, especially after the last seven months of blogs. What I will say is that even when you make a mistake (as opposed to sinning), it is amazing how it can turn out for your good. In Weatherford TX, where we stopped for the night, we got off two exits early. We then got right back on into a total traffic slow down, but about a quarter of a mile forward from where we had been in line. The road crew was blocking off the right hand lanes and the exits. We arrived just a hundred yards ahead of the road crew at our exit. Coincidence or blessing? In Flagstaff we turned onto I-40 and could have been headed into the desert with no gas for quite a distance and going in the wrong distance. As it turned out we avoided the downtown and pulled into a perfect gas station. Another mistake that blessed us. Pulling the RV into a standard gas station while pulling a

Week 28 - Goodbyes

Dearest Children, Grandchildren, Family and Friends, What a week this has been! “Bittersweet” is just not adequate to describe my feelings. My Missionary Sisters and I have marveled how we can be laughing one minute and then crying the next….and not always in sadness. The Spirit has been very close to us as we have done things “for the last time”. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have loved being on this mission and how sad I am that it is ending. And yet, as I was talking to one of my Sisters, we were marveling at how we were both feeling the “tug” of home. We decided that it was Heavenly Father’s way of helping us through the goodbyes. Our first Goodbyes were on Monday. We had our last 6-month-missionary-only shift at the Temple. One of the other local couples who are shift coordinators came to take our responsibilities during preparation meeting so that we could all be together. It was so sweet!! The Spirit was strong and the tears were close to the surface! We